Thursday, September 11, 2014

Signals Cont

o    Figure shows a periodic signal decomposed into two sine waves
o    First sine wave (middle one) has a frequency of '6' while the second sine wave has a
frequency of '0'
o    Adding these two signals point by point results in the top graph
o    Original signal looks like a sine wave that has its time axis shifted downward
o    This shift is because of DC Component or zero frequency component in the signal
o    If  you  look  at  the  signal  in  time  domain,  a  single  point  is  there  while  in  frequency
domain , two component freq.'s are there
Frequency Spectrum / Bandwidth
o     Frequency Spectrum: of a signal is the collection of all the component frequencies
it contains
o    It is shown using a Frequency domain graph
o    Bandwidth: of a signal is the width of the frequency spectrum
o    In  other  words  ,Bandwidth  refers  to  the  range  of  the  component  frequencies  and
Frequency Spectrum refers to the elements within that range

How to calculate Bandwidth?
o    To calculate Bandwidth, subtract the lowest frequency from the highest frequency
If  a  periodic  signal  is decomposed  into  five  sine  waves  with  frequencies  100,  300,  500,
700, and 900 Hz, what is the Bandwidth?

B =  f h -  f l  = 900 -100 = 800Hz

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