Thursday, September 11, 2014

OSI Model-Cont

Critique of OSI Model

Reasoning for OSI not getting Widespread

   Bad Timing(slide) (Apocalypse of Two Elephants)
-David Clarke of MIT
-If standards are written too early: subject is badly understood and bad standards
-If  standards  are  written  too  late  so  many  companies  may  have  already  made
investments in doing the same thing with different other ways

   Bad Technology
-Flow control, error control, addressing is multiple
-Session and Presentation(EMPTY), Network and DL(Full)

   Bad Implementations

Apocalypse of Two Elephants
   Physical (Layer 1)

o    Coordinates the functions required to transmit a bit stream over a physical medium
o    Deals with mechanical and electrical specifications of Tx. Medium and Interface
o    Also  defines  procedures  and  functions  that  physical  devices  and  interfaces  need  to
perform for TX. To occur  (Figure)

     Functions of Physical Layer

o    Physical Characteristics of Interface & Media

   Defines characteristics of Interface b/w device and Tx Medium
   Interface is a plug gable connector that joins one or more signal conductors
   Also defines the type of transmission medium

o    Representation of Bits/Encoding

   The physical layer data consists of a stream of bits (sequence of 1's and 0's)
   To  be  transmitted  the  bits  must  be  ENCODED  into  signals:  Electrical  or
   Physical layer decides the type of ENCODING

o    Data Rate / Transmission Rate

   Date Rate ( Bits per second) also decided by the Physical Layer
   So , Physical layer defines the Duration of a Bit
   Means how long will a bit last

o    Synchronization of Bits

   Sender and Receiver must be synchronized at the bit level
   Sender and Receiver clocks must be synchronized
   It is done by Physical layer

o    Line Configuration

   Physical Layer is also concerned with Line Configuration
   Line Configuration represents the connection of device with the Medium
   Point-To-Point   or Multipoint
o    Physical Topology

   Mesh, Star, Ring, Bus etc.
o    Transmission Mode
   Physical Layer also defines the direction of Transmission between the devices
   Simplex. Half Duplex, Full Duplex

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