Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Categories of Networks-Cont


o    Generally cover a large geographical area and it usually span an Unlimited number of
miles by utilizing Public or Leased networks instead of having their own hardware as
in the case of LANs

o    Design of a WAN
   Typically , it consists of a large number of Switching Nodes
   Transmission from any one device is routed through these internal nodes to the
specified destination device
   These  nodes  are  not  concerned  with  the  content  of  the  data,  rather  their
purpose is to provide a switching facility that will move the data from node to
node until it reaches its destination
o    How to Implement a WAN?
   Traditionally WAN s have been implemented using one of the 2 technologies:
-Circuit Switching
-Packet Switching

o    Frame Relay and ATM Networks play important role nowadays too 
  Circuit Switching
o    A  dedicated  communication  path  is  established  between  two  stations  through  the
nodes of the network
o    This path/CAPACITY stays up for the duration of the communication
Example is Telephone Network

  Packet Switching
o    No capacity is dedicated along a path through the network
o    Data Is sent out in small chunks called "Packets"
o    Each path is passed from node to node
o    At each node, entire packet is received, stored briefly and then transmitted to the next
   Example is : Computer to Computer Communication

Frame Relay & ATM
o    Overhead bits for Error Protection are removed
o    10's of 100's of Mbps and also Gbps is possible

    The OSI Model
    Layered Architecture
    Encapsulation and Decapsulation
    Physical Layer
    Data Link Layer

Reading Sections

    Section 2.4,2.5, "Data Communications and Networking" 4th Edition by Behrouz
A. Forouzan
    Sections  1.3,  "Data  and  Computer  Communication"  6th  Edition  by  William

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