Network security
Network security consists of provisions and policies adopted by the network administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of
the computer network and its network-accessible resources. Network security is the authorization of
access to data in a network, which is controlled by the network administrator.
Users are assigned an ID and password that allows them access to information
and programs within their authority. Network security is used on a variety of
computer networks, both public and private, to secure daily transactions and
communications among businesses, government agencies and individuals.
Network surveillance
Network surveillance is the monitoring of data
being transferred over computer networks such as the Internet. The monitoring is often done surreptitiously and may
be done by or at the behest of governments, by corporations, criminal
organizations, or individuals. It may or may not be legal and may or may not
require authorization from a court or other independent agency.
Computer and network surveillance programs
are widespread today, and almost all Internet traffic is or could potentially
be monitored for clues to illegal activity.
Surveillance is very useful to governments
and law enforcement to maintain social control, recognize and monitor threats, and
prevent/investigate criminal activity. With the advent of programs such as
the Total Information Awareness program, technologies such
as high speed surveillance computers and biometrics software, and laws such as the Communications Assistance For Law Enforcement Act, governments
now possess an unprecedented ability to monitor the activities of citizens.
However, many civil rights and privacy groups—such as Reporters Without Borders,
the Electronic Frontier Foundation,
and the American Civil Liberties Union—have
expressed concern that increasing surveillance of citizens may lead to a mass surveillance society, with limited
political and personal freedoms. Fears such as this have led to numerous
lawsuits such as Hepting v. AT&T. The hacktivist group Anonymous has hacked into government websites in protest
of what it considers "draconian surveillance".
End to end encryption
End-to-end encryption (E2EE) is a digital communications paradigm of uninterrupted
protection of data traveling between two communicating parties. It involves the
originating party encrypting data so only the intended recipient can
decrypt it, with no dependency on third parties. End-to-end encryption prevents
intermediaries, such as Internet providers or application service providers,
from discovering or tampering with communications. End-to-end encryption
generally protects both confidentiality and integrity.
Examples of end-to-end encryption include PGP for email, OTR for instant messaging, ZRTP for telephony, and TETRA for radio.
Typical server-based
communications systems do not include end-to-end encryption. These systems can
only guarantee protection of communications between clients and servers, not between the
communicating parties themselves. Examples of non-E2EE systems are Google Talk, Yahoo Messenger, Facebook, and Dropbox. Some such systems, for example LavaBit and SecretInk,
have even described themselves as offering "end-to-end" encryption
when they do not. Some systems that normally offer end-to-end encryption have
turned out to contain a back door that subverts negotiation
of the encryption key between the communicating parties, for
example Skype.
The end-to-end encryption paradigm does not
directly address risks at the communications endpoints themselves, such as the technical exploitation of clients, poor quality random number generators,
or key escrow. E2EE also does not address traffic analysis, which relates to things such as the
identities of the end points and the times and quantities of messages that are
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